NC Right to Life
Upcoming Events
Click on one of the events below for more details. Email director.outreach@ncrtl.org or call (336) 274-5433, if you need more information or have a question.
Camp Joshua NC - Summer Dates TBD
Camp Joshua NC is a high school camp program designed to train students to be effective pro-life leaders. It covers all the basics of pro-life issues in classes and hands-on workshops. Just as Joshua took down the walls of Jericho, the young men and women of Camp Joshua will lead their generation in bringing down the walls of the culture of death. They will be Joshua to our world in need. Camp Joshua is part of the Life and Leadership Camps Initiative, a nationwide pro-life program developed by National Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, and Wisconsin Right to Life.
Fair Booths
These booths are manned by pro-life volunteers who make having a booth at these fairs possible. The fair booths reach thousands of families across the state, providing valuable information about a wide variety of topics related to the protecting and preserving of innocent human life from conception until natural death.
NC Right to Life Prayer Breakfast
The North Carolina Right to Life Prayer Breakfast for Life – celebrating its 23rd year – has become a very popular annual event for pro-life advocates and legislators from across North Carolina. By providing information, inspiration, and fellowship to bolster pro-life efforts for the new year, the Prayer Breakfast is a must-attend event for all who work to protect the members of our human family from conception to natural death. The 23rd Annual Prayer Breakfast for Life will be at the North Ridge Country Club in Raleigh, North Carolina on February 1st, 2025. You may find the link to register and more information below.
National Right to Life Academy
Launched in the summer of 2007, the Academy was created by the National Right to Life Committee staff to build on the work of the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition, an enormously successful lobbying training program in the early years of the pro-life movement. The NYPLC was the training ground for many of today’s pro-life activists, including Representative Chris Smith, and our own Academic Director, Burke Balch.
DC March for Life
The March for Life in Washington, DC takes place each year on or near the anniversary of the U. S. Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, January 22. Marchers go to Washington to rally and march for life and to visit with their elected officials in the Congress.
Life Chain
Life Chain is a wonderful pro-life event organized by individuals associated with the organization LifeChain.net. It provides pro-lifers an opportunity to draw significant attention to the pro-life movement. We encourage you to visit their site and to consider participating in their pro-life initiative. (NCRTL is not affiliated with LifeChain.)
40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life, an international movement not officially affiliated with NC Right to Life, coordinates vigils outside of abortion facilities for the purpose of praying for mothers who go into the abortion centers for an abortion. They provide both a public witness and a helping hand to those mothers who change their mind during the 40 day vigils.