NCRTL Prayer Partners for Life
Prayer Partners for Life started 20 years ago under the direction of Flora Smith.
“Prayer must fuel all of our activities, all of our efforts, and all of our conversations so that hearts and minds can be won….From conception to natural death, we must pray to God for the strength and diligence to ensure the protection of ALL stages of human life, despite weakness, illness, disability, or stage of development.”
“Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?”
- Proverbs 24:11-12

Prayer Requests
Continue to pray for all our Supreme Court justices for their safety and that of their families. Give praise to our Lord that they did not cave to political pressure and that they rightly concluded there was nothing in the Constitution that would prevent the people’s elected representatives in the states from protecting the lives of unborn children.
Pray that we work together to make sure that North Carolina does not become an abortion destination state.
Pray for North Carolina Right to Life as we go about our daily tasks in defending the innocent and unborn as well as the elderly and fragile in our society.
Pray for the election of strong pro-life legislators in the upcoming midterm elections and current term.
Pray for those called to serve mothers on the sidewalk and local pregnancy care centers.

Steps to Embrace Grace and Protect Life in Your Church:
Take a Clear Stand. Many church members no longer hear anything about abortion in church. The pro-abortion message is inescapable. It’s everywhere in our society. We should all risk reputation to promote a culture of life.
Commit to Preach about Life. Once or twice a year, share pro-life messages with your congregation and weave positive messages about life into other sermons and discussions. Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is in January.
Pray on the Sidewalk at the abortion facility. Join other people of faith as they pray for the unborn, the parents and everyone at the abortion facility.
Join Our Prayer Partners for Life Program. Commit to praying once a week for the intentions outlined in this brochure and in our quarterly newsletter.
Provide Volunteers and Support for your local pregnancy resource center or maternity home. PRC’s are ministries that provide education, counseling, mentorship, services and material support for women facing a crisis pregnancy.
Offer and Promote Healing to the post-abortive members of your church.